11th March, 2020
Division 1 Improvements & Major Projects 2016-2020
There has been so much achieved in Division 1 in my first term of Council with Bundaberg Regional Council. But there is still a lot more to be done and that I want to achieve, so I have drafted a list of all the Major (only) projects that have been delivered and future planned projects for each area (there are so many, I have probably missed some).
Major Projects Delivered this term 2016-2020 in Avondale & surrounding areas
Mullers Road Upgrade/seal from dirt to bitumen and drainage improvements
Avondale School parking and drop-off area sealing and improvements
Avondale Road Upgrade/stabilisation/widening/reseal
Bowen Street Drainage improvements
Blackall Street and Normanby Street reseals
Blunder Street Drainage improvement
Avondale Waste Facility Establishment from Landfill to transfer Station
Future Works planned for Avondale & surrounding areas
Concrete walkway/path from Blunder Street across the rail line to the School
Bowen Street Sealing from dirt to Bitumen
Avondale Park facilities upgrade including an amenities block and improved playground equipment.
Avondale River walk pathway
Plantation Road Sealing
All the above projects have come from listening to and consultation with the community as to what you want and need. Ultimately it will be up to you the community and what you want for your areas, as I fight for what you tell me is important.