9th March, 2020
Division 1 Improvements & Major Projects 2016-2020
There has been so much achieved in Division 1 in my first term of Council with Bundaberg Regional Council. But there is still a lot more to be done and that I want to achieve, so I have drafted a list of all the Major (only) projects that have been delivered and future planned projects for each area (there are so many, I have probably missed some).
Major Projects Delivered this term 2016-2020 in Bundaberg North & surrounding areas
Mariners Way Foreshore improvements/upgrades
Fairymead Road re-stabilise and re-sheet
Bonney Street drainage improvements
Kookaburra Estate Park upgrades
Fairymead Road landscaping and tree planting to screen roadway
Sewerage Pump Station and rising main replacement
Water main and pressure system installation/upgrade along Mount Perry Road, Queen Street, Fairymead Road and Tantitha Road.
Kingfisher Drive centre gardens upgrade
Tantitha Road re-sheeting
Gooburrum Road stabilising and re-sheet (50% complete)
Zorzan Drive entrance improvements and drainage works
Gooburrum School Bus parking area sealing
Resealing works- Martins Road and Faggs Road
Oakwood Drainage project on Gin Gin Rd $600k
Oakwood School Parking and drop off area
Meadowvale Waste Facility Upgrades
Future works planned for Bundaberg North & surrounding areas
Concrete pathway/walkway from Northway Plaza in Queen Street, Fairymead Road to Tantitha Road
Tantitha Road/Gooburrum Road Pathway upgrades to Gooburrum State School
Gooburrum School drop off area and parking area upgrades/development
Gooburrum Road Stage 2 upgrade road and drainage works
Tantitha Road upgrades
Tantitha Park upgrades
All the above projects have come from listening to and consultation with the community as to what you want and need. Ultimately it will be up to you the community and what you want for your areas, as I fight for what you tell me is important.