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Moore Park Beach Master Plan Stage 1 Community Hub/Community Centre Annex Update 06/12/2023

Moore Park Beach Master Plan Stage 1 Community Hub/Community Centre Annex Update 06/12/2023

Tenders have been received for the development of Stage 1 of the Moore Park Beach Master Plan being the Community Hub/Community Centre Annex, which will be home to MPB Arts, MPB Men’s Shed, MPB Scouts and many other community groups that need a space to operate from. It will also have the Hub Shop as part of the complex.

The tenders have ben assessed and one has been given conditional approval from the Procurement Board and Council. The Contractor has been notified that they were successful in winning the tender bid and have advised that they plan on starting works early in 2024.

We are currently finalising the tender documents for the Civil works for Stage 2 which are all the external roadwork's, drainage and landscaping that will surround the new surf club building and the area where the current old surf club sits. This tender will go out very soon.

I can’t say too much more at this stage as the Contract Documents are still being prepared ready for signing by all parties. When this is done, I will be able to provide more information on this exciting project not only for MPB but for the entire region.

Exciting times ahead, watch this space for more information as it comes.



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