It seems there has been some confusion on where we are currently at with the MPB Master Plan works and the order of the stages of work that will be rolled out. Funding that is allocated in this budget 2022-2023 is a total of $8,536,578.00
The breakdown of these funds are as follows-
Amended grants (LGGSP only) State Government: $2,943,272.00
Bundaberg Regional Council contribution: $5,593,306.00
Proposed amended spend 2022-24: $8,536,578.00
These allocated and secured funds will deliver Stages 1 & 2 of the planned works.
Unfortunately Council was not successful in securing the Federal Government Grant from the Building Better Regions Fund of $2,966,947 that was applied for, due to this stream of funding being scraped by the Federal Government.
Stage 1 is now the construction and development of the Community Hub facility and all the auxiliary works around the new facility. These works include the men’s shed, storage sheds, second hand shop and community hub building.
On Saturday the 12th of November 2022, Council released the tender to engage a contractor to undertake the Design and Construction of the Moore Park Beach Community Hub/Community Centre Annex.
Under this engagement the contractor will take the preliminary designs that have been completed and develop them to a standard suitable for building approval and construction. The same contractor will then undertake the construction.
The tender closes on the 20th of December 2022, with awarding of the tender expected early in the new year after Council has assessed the submissions. The tender is available through Council’s online procurement platform Vendor Panel - it is an open tender. (Community Hub/Community Centre Annex drawing attached)
The stages have been changed around due to hold ups with the SLSC building, so the area around the new surf club including demolishing the old surf club building is now stage 2 and will commence as soon as the new Surf Club is finished. This was agreed as the SLSC need somewhere to continue to operate from in the interim, to be able to provide much needed surf lifesaving services to the community.
The new Surf lifesaving Clubhouse has been approved and funding has been secured. The Moore Park Surf Life Saving Club is finalising the plans and should go out to tender very soon. The building of this facility is the responsibility of the Surf Club.
Bundaberg Regional Council will be doing the auxiliary works around the new Surf Clubhouse when it is completed. This includes carparking, landscaping and removing the old building as per the MPB Master Plan works. (Surfside Park Precinct plan & drawing attached)
As you can now see, it is all happening, although it may seem very slow, but considering we did officially only start the Master Plan process on the 8th of September 2020 with the very first Community meeting to get ideas on what everyone wanted which then became the bases of the draft concept plan, and now just over two years in we are going out to tender for Stage 1 and will deliver the first 2 stages with funding secured. I think that is pretty good going for such a major project.
I will continue to give regular updates as the project progresses.
Hope this clears up any confusion in the community.
Regards Jason