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No Coal Mine for Bundy - Ever!

Every day I am approached by someone with concerns, worries and general angst over the looming MDLA 3040 pending outcome. Our Communities and Region should not have to live with the thought in the back of their minds that one day it may become a reality and our beautiful rich agricultural land will be destroyed and the livability and lifestyle of our region changed for ever. My stance on the proposed Coal Mine has never changed and I have publicly stated my views and opinions on the matter since it was raised in November 2019.

When I was made aware of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Minister’s decision not to grant MDL3040 license application to Fox Resources early on Saturday morning, 30 September 2023, I immediately contacted the Mayor and we wrote to the Queensland Minister for Resources Hon. Scott Stewart MP reaffirming Council’s previous decision on 29 April 2020 to support the State Government in opposing this application and asking for his prompt response on the matter.

The motion adopted by Bundaberg Regional Council on 29 April 2020, with full support, was that:

“Bundaberg Regional Council advocate to oppose Mineral Development License Application MDLA 3040 and any potential coal mining activity in parts of the Bundaberg Region that have high-value agriculture or tourism and environmental sensitivity.”

It is my understanding that there is an opportunity for an appeals process with possible reference to the Federal Government.

I stand firm with the community, and the State Government, in prohibiting the progression of this application, and we as a community need to continue to fight this appeals process all the way, until this dreaded proposal is no longer a threat to our way of life as we currently know it.

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