I was invited to the MPB Community Association meeting as Councillor for Division 1, to present and give updates on the following topics, this is my report that I presented:
Topics to be discussed:-
1. Moore Park Beach Master Plan- Stage 1
2. Moore Park Beach Master Plan -Stage 2
3. Moore Park Beach Master Plan- Stage 3
4. MPB Surf Lifesaving Club Facilities Update
5. Booyan Rd Upgrades
6. “Off Leash” dog area on Beach MPB
7. Miscellaneous subjects raised by the community recently-
Value for money/Fair Share
Public transport MPB
Beachfront amenities/lighting
No Coal MPB
1. Moore Park Beach Master Plan
Facts - Funding has been allocated for Stage 1,2 & 3 of the MPB Master Plan. Current funds are BRC $10.2 million State Government $2.7 million = $12.9 million total.
The current Council and I are committed to seeing all Stages 1-5 of the MPB Master Plan implemented.
Stage 1 Update
Tenders have been received and a contract has been signed for the development of Stage 1 of the Moore Park Beach Master Plan being the Community Hub/Community Centre Annex, which will be home to MPB Arts, MPB Men’s Shed, MPB Scouts and many other community groups that need a space to operate from. It will also have the Hub Shop as part of the complex. Local builders, Hallstone Constructions, have been awarded the tender for construction of the Moore Park Beach Community Hub.
Construction drawings are currently being developed based on the concept plans as the tender was for design and construct based on the concept drawings.
The pre-start meeting between BRC, and the contractor was held last week and Hallstone have submitted a construction timeline/program for Stage 1. Key dates are as follows:
80% detailed design hold point and workshop 15/03
Building approvals 29/03
100% detailed design, certified IFC drawings 01/04
Construction commencement 08/04
Practical completion 23/09/2024.
Note there is some float built into this program so we will take advantage of any opportunities to make up time.
As soon as Council has a copy of the draft plans, we will meet with the Men’s Shed and all the other community groups and walk them through the plans and also provide them with plans of their areas so that they can move forward with planning the use of their allocated space.
2. Moore Park Beach Master Plan - Stage 2 Update
Stage 2 is all the area south of the foreshore roadway including where the old surf club building is and all around the new Surf Club building lease area to the Caravan Park boundary and roadway.
Engineering are close to completing the updated civil design works this had to be redone as the original building design for the Surf Club has been changed.
The demarcation, levels and tie-in points with the Surf Club was finalised this week. 2/2/24.
Sewer and irrigation pipe alignments will be finalised with the treatment plant project team by the end of next week. 11/2/24.
It is anticipated receipt of For Tender drawings mid-Feb, with the aim to have the package out to market by the end of February 2024.
Tenders will be open for 6 weeks and then go before Council for a final decision to proceed.
(Unfortunately, this is after the election, which until the results are known no certainty of any further stages can be guaranteed)
3. Moore Park Beach Master Plan - Stage 3 Update
Plans on hold until after the election. If I am re-elected, I will fight to ensure all further stages of the Master Plan are delivered.
4. MPB Surf Club Facilities Update
Council has recently met with Surf Lifesaving Qld, they have almost finalised their building specification and are likely to have their tender out within a week or two.
They are yet to confirm closing dates, but we would assume 6 to 10 weeks for a project of that nature, therefore they would be looking at awarding mid-April, factoring evaluations and approvals etc
Council needs Surf Lifesaving Qld to progress this project asap as we don’t want it to hold up Stage 2 works and if there isn’t any progress by the time we need to make a decision on the Stage 2 tender, we will have to move forward with the planned works.
5. Booyan Road Upgrade
Stage 1 Booyan Road between Zande’s Road to just past Bonels Road, roadworks will start within the next couple of weeks. Berajondo Earthmoving & Haulage has been awarded the contract to undertake the Upgrade of Booyan Rd. Construction was to commence late January but has been held up by the weather. It will commence soon and is estimated to be finished by April 2024.
6. “Off Leash” Dog area on beach Moore Park Beach
In the last 2 years Council has undertaken extensive community surveys across the regional council area to identify the need for further expansion of our declared off-leash areas and in the last 12 months this has resulted in the creation of 3 additional dog off-leash parks, which one of these has been at MPB. Council is supportive of further expansion of dog off-leash areas and we have actively investigated the option of dog off-leash beaches. Given Bundaberg’s entire coastline is within a State Marine Park, unlike other local governments in the south east corner, this has resulted in several complexities when trying to progress a dog off-leash beach.
Our beaches below the highest astronomical tide (HAT) are State land and therefore Council must seek approval from the State before we endorse any activity within this zone. We are continually working with State departments to find ways to gain approval for off-leash areas on some or the regions beaches.
In 2022 the Queensland State Government advised that they would be developing a Guideline for Local Government for dog off-leash areas in State Marine Parks which is the assessment process that Council must go through to gain approval for a dog off-leash beach. Last year the State Government also advised that they were undertaking a review and consultation process for the Great Sandy Marine Park (which includes our entire coastline up to Baffle Creek) to identify the activities and zoning within the Marine Park which would identify permitted and non-permitted activities.
Given these pieces of work, Council was not able to progress a beach-based dog off-leash area within the region until the State Government had concluded both projects. The Guidelines have been produced and a draft zoning report has been created but has still yet to be implemented by the State Government. Once there is some certainty around the State Governments requirements, which should be early this year, Council will seek to review the opportunities for beach-based dog off-leash areas within the Bundaberg Region. This process is ongoing and if approval is granted, there will be further Community Consultation before anything is put in place.
7. Miscellaneous items raised by the community
Value for Money/ Fair Share
Let’s look at Value for Money first, When I was first elected to BRC in 2016, the region had been experiencing excessive rate increases ever year for the previous 8 years the increase was on average 7.54% increase every year. The Council that I have been part of for the last 8 years has addressed this and through good financial management and planning we have been able to keep Rate increase as low as possible and our average rate increase has been 1.45% every year, way below inflation and on top of that we have had 2 years this term with a 0% increase and we have doubled the pensioner discount from $165/year to $330/year to help the most vulnerable in our communities with the cost of living.
Now, some have been saying that Division 1 doesn’t get its fair share. This is an uninformed statement from someone who doesn’t have the knowledge or understanding of how Council budgets work and how funding gets allocated.
Over the last 8 years that I have been your Councillor for Division 1, expenditure in the Division has well and truly exceeded General Rate income collected. I have ensured that Division 1 not only gets its fair share but gets the infrastructure and services that the community needs and wants. All while delivering the lowest rate increases ever in the life of Bundaberg Regional Council.
I listen and I deliver,
I always ensure Division 1 gets its fair share and more.
Public transport MPB
Public transport is a State Government responsibility, and the service is provided and paid for by State Government. Council is continually advocating for improved public transport across the region and MPB is one of the areas that we have been asking for more transport services to be provided. State Government through their department of Transport and Main Roads reviewed the public transport provided to MPB at the request of Council and have advised that the current service is underutilised and therefore they have no plans to increase services in the area. We as a Council will continue to advocate for improved services, but as it is a State Government service the community really needs to take this up with the State MP’s and TMR.
Beachfront amenities/lighting
Another issue that has been raised by someone that hasn’t kept up with what is planned for MPB. The MPB Master Plan works Stage 2 will see a full redevelopment of the foreshore and the beachfront area, with new amenities, upgraded landscaping and the installation of a smart lighting system to ensure adequate light for people using this area, but limited enough to prevent issues with turtles, similar to what is in place at Elliott Heads.
No Coal MPB
Councils position on the proposed Mineral Development Licence Application 3040 has not changed from what we unanimously adopted in 2020 and we have recently (September 2023) written to the Minister of Resources and re-confirmed our position which is:
“That Bundaberg Regional Council advocate to oppose Mineral Development Licence Application MDLA 3040 and any potential coal mining activity in parts of the Bundaberg Region that have high-value agriculture or tourism and environmental sensitivity.”
I apologise for the long report and for the information overload, but these matters have been raised and the community needs to be given the correct answers and information. Are there any questions from the floor.
Q & A
(Various questions on many topics were answered from the floor.)
Thank you everyone for coming along today and for your continued support. I hope that I will be re-elected for another term as your Councillor, and if I am, I will “Continue to Deliver.”
Cr. Jason Bartels
Authorised by JP Bartels, 14 Rustic Road, Sharon Q 4670