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The Weekly Q? 14.9.22

This week’s commonly asked question is:

Q- What was discussed at the MPB Master Plan Community Reference Group (CRG) Meeting Monday night and where are the Master Plan works currently at?

The CRG was given an update on the current funding applications applied for and current status of the project. Council has applied for funding from the Federal & State Governments for stages 1A, 1B and stage 2 to be completed. The funding applied for is as follows- Local Government Grants Support Program (LGGSP) State Government funding stream- $2.94 million applied for and has been successfully granted. Building Better Region Fund (BBRF) Federal Government funding stream- $2.36 million applied for and currently in the assessment stage of the application. Both these funding streams require BRC to match them dollar for dollar. Council has allocated $5.2 million in the current budget to meet this requirement and to fund these stages of the project.

The Master Plan project will commence with stage 1B & stage 2 due to this funding being secured for this work. It is planned that work will continue with stage 1A when the outcome of the BBRF is announced and funding is secured.

Attached is a layout plan showing the stages of the project. Ignore any of the lines/imagery shown under the hatched areas in the attached, this is taken from a previous iteration of the designs and do not reflect the current design. The image is provided for the purposes of showing generally what scope was included in each stage.

The stages that are covered by each grant are-

LGGSP (State) – the grant covered stage 1B and 2 in the attached, this is - the demolition of the old surf club (proposed to occur once the new surf club is complete) - the landscaping around the new surf club including carparking and the observation tower, which again will occur once the surf club is complete - the community annex/hub including surrounding landscaping - the sewerage treatment system for the holiday park.

BBRF (federal government) – we are still waiting on an announcement. The grant application covered what is identified as stage 1A in the attached, this is - the skate park, - playground, - all of the road works including carparking (less the surf club) - most of the landscaping (less around the surf club)

The CRG was presented with the latest construction drawings for Stage 1B, which includes the community annex/ hub area and the surrounding landscaping plans. Minor changes to some floor plan layouts were requested from the CRG and are currently being amended by the project architect. When the required changes to the amended plans are approved by the CRG, the works for Stage 1B will go out to tender. This should occur in the next couple of weeks, and hopefully works will commence not to long after the successful contractor has been announced.

A brief update on the new Surf Club development was also given to the CRG. This project should also be going out for construction tender soon.

For more information on the MPB Master Plan click on the following link.

Be sure to keep an eye out for next weeks, “The Weekly Q.”

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